Account Verification Endpoint

How PAPE works.

Here’s a sample cross-border payment workflow between Country A and Country B.

PAPE Sequence Diagram

Account Verification Endpoint

This represents arrows 9a and 9b in the sequence diagram above.

PAPEwill request an account verification API endpoint during the onboarding process for your payment gateway.

This is the only API endpoint PAPE will need from you.

The endpoint is a GET request, and will have the following query parameters:


account={account_number} &direction={credit|debit} &amount={amount} &currency={currency}


  • account: The account query parameter will be replaced with the account number involved in the PAPE payment call.
  • direction: Whether it’s a debit or credit involved for the specified account in the PAPE payment call.
  • amount: A string parameter which specifies the amount involved without fees in the PAPE payment call.
  • currency: A string parameter which specifies the currency involved in the PAPE payment call.

A successful account name verification will return an HTTP code 200 with the following json :

  "name": "Name of account holder"

In case of an error, the account name verification service should return a non-200 HTTP code, with the following json:

  "error": "summary error message"


For extra security, all requests will include a Bearer Authorization header, with a bearer token supplied to PAPE during onboarding. All account verification endpoints should be served through HTTPS to reduce the risk of leaking this Bearer token.

It is important to note that the payment gateway will be the one to supply us the appropriate Bearer token to use. Ideally a non-expiring JWT token.